*No Bag, *No Tiffin, *No Homework

* T & C apply

No Bag, No Tiffin, No Homework

Solitaire International School is a modern age institute with a new concept of NO BAG, NO HOME WORK, NO TIFFIN – an optional facility for students.

No - Bag School makes students free from carrying piles of books and note books on their tender shoulders. In the era of cut throat competition, when the children are burdened with heavy bags and fear of exams, the book and notebooks are retained in the school and sent home only over the weekends. However, there’s a hi-tech facility for parents to access daily work done by their ward in the school.

Homework hour in the school helps students to complete the given assignments, under the supervision of their teachers in school itself. By the time, the children reach home, they are free to enjoy their evening with friends and family.

Sumptuous and nutritional meal is served four times a day to fulfill nutritional requirements of the students. Training in table manners and etiquette help in personal grooming. Even the picky eaters are observed developing taste for healthy food.

The school comforts students and parents in several ways. The following comparative study makes it easy to have a clear picture.

Non Solitairian Solitairian
Heavy Bag Leads a stressful life, daily arranges bag as per the scheduled time table & often feels blues for the next day at school. Solitairian looks forward for a new day at school with full of activities to acquire learning. He is free from worries as books and text books are retained at the school.
Timings Mornings are chaotic with last moment rush of arranging daily school requirements. Mornings are stress free as the school starts at comfortable time. Solitairians are relaxed as stationery and other study material is being managed at the school.
Tiffin It takes a great deal for mothers to think what to cook & pack in her child’s tiffin. Mother of a Solitairian is free from such worries as the meal services provided at the school caters to nutritional requirements and taste of a growing child.
Home work Child spends evening hours in doing homework, completing project work, going to tuitions. Homework assistance is provided during the school hours. Evenings are free for outdoor games & additional learning.
Quality Time Evenings are occupied in going to tuitions or other Activity Classes. Expert coaching and Activity Classes at the school facilitate a Solitairian spend quality time with parents at home.
Absenteism An absent child feels lost and confused when he reaches school after some days. A Solitairian has an easy access to daily work done in class through the school portal. Besides being absent due to some reasons, the student doesn’t lose track of studies.